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    HomeHome ImprovementTypes of Insulation that is Best for Newly Built Houses

    Types of Insulation that is Best for Newly Built Houses


    This article will explore what type of home insulation is best for newly built houses and why it is the most suitable choice. We will also look at several different insulation types, their advantages, and disadvantages, as well as how they can be installed in a new home. 

    The goal of this article is to give you an understanding of which type of insulation works the best in modern homes so that you can make an informed decision when constructing or refurbishing your house.

    What is Home Insulation?

    It is a material or system of materials used to reduce the loss of heat from your home. Insulation can help keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter, as well as help to reduce noise levels. Different types of insulation can be used depending on where it needs to go, such as between floors and walls, inside attics and walls, or outside roofs and walls.

    The Best Way To Install Insulation

    When it comes to installing insulation, there are many factors to consider. It is important to choose the right type of material for your home and climate, as well as ensure that you install it correctly for maximum efficiency. Here are some tips for getting the best results when installing insulation:

    #1:  Choose the Right Type of Insulation

    The type of insulation you choose will depend on your climate, the area where you live, and what kind of walls or ceilings you have. For example, if you live in an area with colder temperatures during the winter, thicker blanket-style insulation may be best. On the other hand, if you’re in a warmer climate, spray foam insulation may work better.

    #2: Measure Accurately

    Before starting your installation project, make sure to measure accurately. This means measuring each wall or room that needs insulation as well as any openings such as doors or windows. Knowing these measurements ahead of time will help you get the right amount of material for your job. It is also important to measure accurately when cutting insulation so that it fits perfectly in your space.

    #3: Install Carefully

    Once you have the right type of insulation and have measured it accurately, it’s time to start installing. It is best to have a professional like iFoam install the insulation. This is to ensure that it is done correctly and with the right safety precautions in place. Professionals will know exactly how to install insulation for maximum efficiency, so it’s worth the investment.

    Types of Home Insulation

    #1: Fiberglass Insulation

    This home insulation is one of the most widely used types of insulation. It is typically made from recycled glass and comes in batts, rolls, or loose fill forms that can be easily installed around windows, walls, attics, and floors. 

    The advantages of fiberglass insulation are affordability, soundproofing qualities, ease of installation, and its ability to limit temperature fluctuations. However, it does not offer much resistance to moisture, so it may need to be backed up by a vapor barrier like polyethylene sheeting.

    #2: Cellulose Insulation

    This type of home insulation is made from recycled paper or wood that is treated with a fire retardant. It offers excellent resistance to heat flow and is naturally resistant to moisture. 

    Cellulose insulation has the added advantage of being able to be blown in or sprayed in, making it easy to install in hard-to-reach places or between joists. It is also affordable, eco-friendly, and can limit sound transmission. The downside of this type of insulation is that it is prone to settling, so it requires more frequent maintenance.

    #3: Spray Foam Insulation

    This type of insulation is made from a combination of chemicals that are sprayed into place, expanding and forming an airtight seal. It offers excellent resistance to both air flow and moisture, as well as great soundproofing qualities. 

    It also has the added advantage of being able to be used in any space or corner, including within walls or attics. The only downside of this insulation is its cost; it is one of the most expensive types on the market.

    #4: Radiant Barrier Insulation

    This type of insulation is designed to reflect thermal energy away from home, helping keep it cool in summer and warm in winter. It is made from a reflective foil material that is installed on the roof or walls of the home and can be used with other insulation types like fiberglass or cellulose. 

    The advantages are its ability to reduce energy bills while also improving indoor air quality and providing protection against UV rays. However, it can be difficult to install properly and may not last as long as some other insulation types.

    #5: Sheep’s Wool Insulation

    This type of insulation is made from sheep’s wool and is a popular choice for newly built-homes. It offers excellent resistance to airflow, moisture, soundproofing qualities, and fire retardant properties. 

    It also doesn’t settle like other types of insulation and can last for decades with minimal maintenance. The only downside of this insulation is its cost; it can be expensive compared to other types on the market.

    Tips on Choosing the Right Home Insulation

    • Climate: The type of insulation you choose should depend on the climate in your area. Fiberglass, cellulose, and spray foam are all good options for colder climates, while radiant barrier and sheep’s wool work best for warmer regions.
    • Space: Consider which areas of your home need insulation the most, such as between floors and walls or inside attics and walls. Different types of insulation offer different levels of protection depending on the space they are being installed in.
    • Budget: Home insulation can be expensive, so it’s important to consider how much you can afford to spend when choosing a type that works best for your home. Some types may be more cost-effective than others, depending on where you purchase them from and how much you need.

    Knowing all these factors will help you determine which type of insulation is best for your newly built house. With the right information at hand, you can make sure that your home stays comfortable and energy efficient throughout the year.

    Overall, there are many different types of insulation to choose from, each with its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Consider all of the factors listed above when deciding which type will work best for your new home. Doing so will ensure that you get the most out of your investment and enjoy a comfortable living space for years.

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